Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Globe International-UB

Here I am at the GI offices in downtown UB.  The woman on the left is Burnee who is a young attorney and Naara-2 who is the person in charge of the office and the head of GI in Mongolia.  I will also add a shot of Naara-1 who is in charge here. Naara 2 is the younger sister of Naara 1 and is in charge of setting up my agenda under Naara-1's guidance.  Burnee met me at the airport with Enkbar and they helped me get into my apt. and pay one month's rent.   She also has been able to procure a mobile phone for my use locally.

 I will give 4 hours of lecture to the judges (including the Supreme Court Justices) on Sept 23.  Naara is also setting up a lecture for me to give to one of the Univ. journalism schools in advance of the judges project.  Essentially, I will be giving all a summary of U.S. media and defamation law then comparing same to the international law of European countries as determined by the European Court of Human Rights.  I will also add in the human rights work of the U.N. since we were able to obtain a determination in the Chief Manneh case before that august body.  For complete info on that case which was tried in the ECOWAS Court in Abuja, Nigeria, I direct the reader's attention to my West African blog which is appended to my home page here.

The Chief Manneh case involved an editor of the leading newspaper in The Gambia who was forcibly removed by the military for criticizing its President Jammeh, a thuggish sort of chap who still makes headlines around the world for outdoing Idi Amin. 

I am back at the apt. now and wil soon get ready for dinner.  I have purchased cans of spaghetti with meat sauce and a Mongolian chili sauce which I hope is spicey.  Alas, there is no tabasco sauce in this country.  And so it goes...

1 comment:

  1. you are SMILING in this picture :) hope the spaghetti was good... seems like all is going very well in mongolia! so happy to read/see that all is well!!!


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