Sunday, September 16, 2012


Here are several shots of the day including one of cashmere goats lingering along the roadside.  Enjoy.


  1. Poppy,
    Craig says you look a little nervous with that enormous bird on your shoulder. What was it? Julia is amazed at your huge smile from the other picture. She said "Poppy doesn't smile like that with pictures of me!" She might be a little bit jealous. Grace's response to the photos was, "Whoa. That is sooo awesome."

    Thinking of you daily.

  2. Ok, we just read from your previous post that it was a mongolian eagle. Amazing. We want more details, of course.

    We went to Augusta yesterday to celebrate Ada's birthday. It was great fun, but we didn't get home until 11pm. The girls are still very tired, and we are having a slow day. Monday will be back to school and work. It's been a good weekend, but not nearly as exciting as yours.

  3. Here it is 4:30 AM but I woke up and watched the posts on the end of the Colts game, then checked my blog and voila, here I am. The eagle is huge and weighty and it was difficukt to hold it out on my arm. These eagles are mostly in the river region. There is little flowing freshwater around. Now back to sleep.


I read all comments and appreciate your feedback.