Sunday, September 23, 2012


On my way downtown today I came across a hair salon named "Destroy."  So I started speculating as to how many women would even enter a salon with that name and I came up with zero.  I also observed that no one entered while I was out on the street so maybe they want no business.  This reminded me of the auto company in Accra, Ghana, with the name P-- Motors.  Anyway it was worth a shot.

The next pic was taken from the Seasons Restaurant at the Blue Sky Hotel where I enjoyed a meal of soup, and shrimp skewers with mashed potatos (Dan did I get that right?) and onion rings with a draft of Chingiss Beer (Yes, that Chingiss).  After yesterday's meal I decided to indulge thanks to an old McHale partner, Don Buttrey, who has been worried about my lack of gourmet meals and who sent me an email saying he would sponsor and more importantly pay for some five-star hotel and restaurant fare.  I hope to have a couple more of these before I return next Saturday, so a nod to Don for making my day.  And so it goes this Sunday, Sept 23...


  1. I think that's where Craig goes to get his hair done! Well, and I've probably been there too from time to time!

    1. Manbe we keep Craig away from here. Thanks by the way for all your comments.


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