Sunday, September 9, 2012


This is a closer pic of Chingiss Kahn.  He is flanked by two famous soldiers who guard the entrance.  I am told that there is a statue of Lenin nearby, undoubtedly placed there by the Soviets during their period of domination and seemingly left as a relic.  I will hunt this down and send a pic since I know you would have an absorbing interest in Mr. Lenin's profile.  And so it goes this sunday in the year of our Lord 2012...


  1. Bummer about the hike, but it looks as though you made the best of your day. We were pretty quiet this weekend. I came down with Julia's bug, but we seem to be making a slow but steady recovery. As you might remember, Julia burns very hot when she has a fever, which makes us nervous, but she came back to herself.

    Both girls should be back to school as normal. It will take me a few more days to get back on my feet. A fever takes more from me than Julia, which isn't surprising.

    We love the pictures--the girls especially--and we're looking forward to see what this week brings to you.

  2. Tell Julia that I thought of her and worried about how she was doing all day Saturday. Good to hear she is recovering and hope that you are well on the mend. Today I am working on a draft of my 4 hours of lecture to the judges and judtices for Sept 25. Still working on setting up various conference, prison visit etc.


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