Sunday, September 9, 2012


The pic is of Sukhbaatar Square named after a famous patriot.  He is looking at an even more imposing figure of Chinggiss Khan who conquered the known world in the early 1200'sand never looked back. Immediatelybehind Kahn stands the Parliament House.  I arrived here early for my so-called organized 3and1/2 hour hike bur no one else came in from the cold (48 F) to join me, so I browsed around the city instead.  I assume that the same hike will occur next Sunday so I will try again.

I awoke early today and listened to the I.U. game at U. Mass. and they won 45 to 6 but lost their QB.   Will I.U. ever turn their program around.  As many of you would say:  Who cares.

My next pic will be a close up pic of Mr. Kahn that you see in the distance above.  This Square is in the heart of the city and is the largest in all of Mongolia.  To the immediate right are the top end stores of Armani, Burberry, Louis Vuitton etc.  Also, the Opera House is adjacent to this Square.  Enough...

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