Saturday, September 8, 2012


Dickens said it first but I say it last.  Darting and dodging around and through heavy traffic appears to be the number one outdoor sport in this city.  It is a game of bluff with drivers challenging pedestrians and vice versa.  The safest thing to do is start to cross with a small horde.  This usually causes the drivers to slow enough to allow an edgy traverse.  As I have been told, traffic lights are advisory only so let the traveller beware.

Tomorrow I have a 31/2 hike planned with a group of westerners at 10 AM.  However, the latest weather report says 70 per cent chance of rain all day tomorrow with a temp of 50 to60 F.  I am not eqipped to hike through rain so I will pass on this if that eventuates.  C'est la guerre.  More tomorrow.


  1. I hope the weather was good. I would really like to see the terrain where you would hike and read that story.

  2. I was there for the hike but nobody came, probably b/c it was raining and cold. Isuppose next Sunday I will have another chance. As Mr. Rogers told Michael in the 2d grade, "that's life in the big city."


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