Saturday, September 22, 2012


Here are two shots taken last night at the film festival.  The first is a pic of the young girl who played the piano for the crowd before the start.  I chatted with her aftrwards and told her about Grace and what she is doing on the piano.

The next pic is of the Globe International staff that I work with each day. Naara who is President is on the far right of the second row.  She was introduced as the former head of film directors for the former Soviet Bloc of countries.  As she told me, this was in her previous life under Soviet control. She and I have had some interesting conversations as her experience are nothing like whtat I could ever imagine.  Naara and these staff members were in charge of the entire event so it was fun to essentially be treated as an insider here.  Her two sons are in the first row on the right of me.  The two young girls in the pic are her grandaughters.  I told her about my four special grandaughters (maybe too many times already but who cares right Julia).

We watched a number of the films being honored and unlike the Oscars, the speeches were all short by the honorees.  And so it goes...

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