Monday, September 24, 2012


Here lies the humble MRE which is the Army equivalent of a gourmet meal in the field.  I got back to the apt on the late side from the office and this meal became my savior thanks to Richard and Pat Miller who gave me this as a going away present.  And what a nice meal it was:  Vegetable lasagna with spice cakeand a cocoa drink plus hot tea. Oh and it came with a one-eighth ounce bottle of Tabasco.  The meal is heated chemically by pouring water into the bag then sliding the lasagna next to the heat package so no outside source of heat is needed.  That heating unit also heats the tea.  If you are inside a tank you can pour canteen water into the bag and voila, a hot meal ready to eat.

So where were these when Alan and I, Don, Roger, George, Dan, Mike and Richard and so many others  were in the service.  We had C-rations which were cold but pretty decent too.  So here's to those who serve and eat a steady diet of these various meals while representing our country.  May you all come home safe.  And so it goes...


  1. Being able to heat the meal without an outside source of heat is amazing ... and tasty, too? I had no idea! Thanks!

    1. Good to hear from you. I hope your grdtr is doing fine and that you and Ed are enjoying helping out.


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