Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Today I gave a seminar on International and U.S. law educating the 40 some judges who attended into a more liberal approach to the media and expanding free press and speech in their country.  Since they signed the international covenant to adopt free press and free speech standards that are akin to the U.S., it was my job to explain what this means in handling these cases in the courtroom and how they need to depart from their restrictive positions when that collides with international law.  I gave them a roadmap to use in order to get this done.  Frankly, I am impressed with the present status of their law as it is not too far from the present international standard.  I complimented on the fact that their immediate neighbors to the north, west and east are not even close to their more democratic stance.  I am not naming countries but if you look at a map you will know the countries I am alluding to. 

These judges were eager to embrace a new standard and a media freedom bill we are working on will help in that regard.  The two shots are of my talk and a shot of those judges and staff who stayed around for a final pic.  And so it goes, with a doff of the hat to Linda Ellerbee who always signed off this way-do you remember her?

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