Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Above you can see the seminar that I gave today at MNB Television (Mongolia National Broadcasting).  The audience was comprised of camera and broadcasting  (investigative reporting students) and there appeared to be about 120 present for the lecture and Q and A period.  This speech involved my explaining how to avoid liability and insulate yourself, your company and your story from a defamation suit.  As I mentioned, if you follow my advice you will never have a problem with a lawsuit and probably never be sued.  They seemed to take notes and be interested so maybe I helped them on their way.    Tomorrow I may meet again with the Minister of Justice,  and then Friday evening the staff of Globe International has invited me to a farewell dinner, then Saturday I pack and return.  Busy times.  And so it goes...

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that your time is nearly over. What a month you've had, so incredibly busy. It's good to see the turnout for your talks, though your voice must be pretty worn out at this point.


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