Monday, September 3, 2012

My Apartment

This particular pic is for my gr-daughter Gracie Peg who is doing well in her piano lessons.  Please note that my living room sports a Yamaha Baby Grand Piano in the corner. The stool seems perfect for her.  My landlady says she plays this piano often.  So Grace needs to come over here and show me how its done!   Also, I have cable-tv but only two channels are English speaking: (1) National Geographic and (2) BBC World News Asia.  Tomorrow I will take pics of the special people who are working for Globe Interenational and who make ISLP proud as its partner.  I worked this aftn on outlining fours of instruction I will give to Judges of the trial, appellate and Supreme Court on Sept. 23.  I will cover U.S. defamation and newsgathering law then European law in these catergories including  the European Court of Human Rights.   Also, I told Naara who is in charge that they can line up as many meetings as they can between me and defense attorneys and journalists and those alraedy convicted of criminal libel.  On behalf of the ISLP I want to do all possible things in my 30 days.


  1. Poppie,
    We are thrilled to see your new digs. Grace will be over soon! Well, she wishes she could be over soon. Julia wants to know what there is in Mongolia for her. Craig and I are thrilled to see that you are posting. We've been on pins and needles waiting for word. Wish we could have been there to see you off. I hope this is a very productive month. Keep posting. We'll be reading.

    1. I especially enjoyed getting your comment. Thanks to you my blog is in good shape. I will be looking for presents for my gr-dtrs as I get around the city. Grace and Julia like you and Craig will have foreign adventures I am sure. The globe has shrunk in many ways since I was a pup (of course I still think I am-it does not hurt one to be slightly delusional). So they will travel to places that none of us can countenance now and they will make there way in the world well. As always, education is the key.


I read all comments and appreciate your feedback.