Monday, September 3, 2012

Leaving Indy-Sept 1

Here I am at the Indy Airport getting a final hug from my grandaughter Anne Conley Byron.  She escorted me there with Lynne for a goodbye until October as I now work my way west over northern Canada then Alaska and the Bering Sea then down to Inchon/Seoul, thence to Ulaan Baatar, a trip taking some 26 hours. As a matter of fact, I could see Kasba Lake in the Northwest Territories when I was over that part of Canada, a lake Mike Molony and I fished in 1976.  But I digress.  I arrived at my rented apt. at 1AM on Sept 3 (today) went to bed and awoke at 7:30 feeling good and unpacked and headed for the office downtown.  I live in an apt. on its top floor (the fifth floor) with no elevator which means climbing 10 flights of stairs.  The road getting into here is fractured at best and I must go helter skelter to find the main artery going into the city.  There is no heat here until Sept 15 according to the landlady but I do not thi nk that is a problem.  My next publication will show you my apt.

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