Saturday, August 18, 2012

Africa Redux

Kwame' and me at the Media Foundation Of West Africa in Accra, Ghana in 2007 discussing the impending trial of Chief Manneh who disappeared in the prison system of The Gambia.  Kwame' is the Exec. Director of the Foundation and is professor emeritus of the U. of Ghana.  He does an excellent job gobe-trotting around the 14 countries of West Africa handling all sorts of free press and speech issues.  Later a judgment of $100,000 was obtained in the treaty court of ECOWAS in Manneh and his family's favor and that judgment continues to be pursued.  I believe that this judgment will ultimately be paid,  Recent events show that pressure for payment remains strong.  See my post below.  My blog on the Ghana trip will persist so long as these collection actions are active.

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