Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I lectured a joint session of the law school and the journalism school at O. University in UB. There were about 120 students and good questions were asked after my speech.  Basically, I explained the difference in media law between Mongolia and U.S. law and where I hoped that Mongolia would get more in line with us.  I was asked to come back again which I take as a good sign.  

Earlier I had a long conference with Tsogt Tsend who is Chief Judge of the Administartive Court of Appeals for Mongolia.  We exchanged ideas and he advised that I mention in my later speech to judges that many of these problems could be eliminated if an attorney with knowledge in media law would first review the story before it went to print (pre-publication review as we do it at Bingham Greenebaum Doll).  Secondly, that Mongolia adopt U.S. law and hold the media orgn behind the journalist equally liable (we do and they do not).  We agree but the art of the deal is getting these changes accomplished.

He asked where I rec'd my law degree and when I told him, he asked if I meant Bloomington or Indianapolis.  He said that he had studied at Bloomington under the I.U. program for Mongolian students at I.U., the only one in the country that has a specific program for students from there.  Then he said did I know Chris Atwood who speaks fluent Mongolese and that he stayed at his house during his several month stay.  I mentioned that I listened to his lecture at the National Museum and thought that my son might know him.  Then I told him about our sons and what they were doing.  Somehow, a small world just got smaller.  And so it goes...

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