Thursday, September 20, 2012


Today O gave a two hour lecture to the third year students at this prestigious journalism school in UB.  The room was filled and the students took good notes.  Basically I told them how to avoid getting trapped into a defamation case by confirming sources, recording the statements of those interviewed and always seeking balance by requesting and taking a statement from the aggreived party.

Next, I interviewed the Judge who reviewed the evidence in the human trafficking case and dismissed the charges against the reporter Bolormaa for insufficient evidence.  Unfortunatek=ly, in Mongolia, the prosecutor can then go back and try again.  This is what happened to Bolormaa as she was brought up again anf tried and this time convited of libelling a certain party based on the fact that her witnesses recanted their testimony after she and her paper initially published the story. No one knows why their story changed.  She was sentenced yesterday to a fine of $8000 which of course she does not have. GI petioned for me to attend the trial but I was denied for reasons that are not clear.  She has 3 years to pay and then her inability is reviewed and the court can make a further decision. It seems that all the prosecutor needs to do is prove that the story was ultimately wrong to obtain a criminal conviction.  Under primary defamation law the test of what the reporter knew or did not know is at the time  of publication in which case she wins.  I will discuss this case with the judges and justices when I give my seminar to them on the 25th. 

Next, I interviewed Bolormaa herself at the office and found that she had recorded her statements from the girl slaves so she reconfirmed proof at the time that she published.  I have asked to speak with her lawyer but as of yet no indication that this will occur.  We will ask againg as I know she has an irrefutable case for a number of reasons.

Tomorrow I have been invited to attend the awards dinner and ceremony for the film festival sponsored in part by GI.  I look forward to this change in our efforts.   And so it goes...

Next I went back to the office and interviewed Bolormaa herself.

1 comment:

  1. I can't remember from the slideshow the other night, but who is in the picture with you?


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