Monday, September 10, 2012


The Italian restaurant I posted below is the Felicita which is located just behind the parliament bldg.  I had a fine margarita pizza and the usual Altin Gobi beer. A number of matters were addressed today including a redraft of the speech/lecture that I am to give to judges.  They want me to address them for 4 hours which as you can guess might be an overload of international and U,S, media law.  I have prepared outlines so that should help.

We also set up a mtg tomorrow at 10 AM with local defamation defense attorneys to discuss their cases and strategies.  The defenase lawyer for Bolormaa will not attend since I need a lengthy conference solely on her case problems (the human trafficking case).  We are trying to reshedule that.

Next I intend to have a conference with the person drafting a set of internet regulations for Mongolia and give assistance there.

Also, I reviewed the dismissal order on another case to insure its thoroughness,,,so all in all a busy day. 

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