Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I met and conferred with two separate media defense teams.  This is the second group from left to right there is Khailun my interpreter who is also a lawyer, Baigalmaa who is the head of a law firm, and her intern assistant.  Both groups are familiar with and have handled libel cases here.  Last year there were 83 open libel cases so this seems to be another sport, especially since, as they explained, the burden of proof falls on the defendant to establish the truth of the alleged libel (the opposite of what we in the U.S. face where the plaintiff has the burden of proving the falsity of the statement).  I do not mean to bore but this is the single most important reason that libel caes are such a large part of any judge's calendar.  Am eating in tonight but will go to the California Grill for more western food tomorrow.

Tomorrow I have the morning off so intend to go to the Natural History Museum where dinosaur skeletons abound.  In fact there is a 5 ton flesh-eating tarbosaurus in one of the halls. There is a case recently decided in Texas where an auction hous sold a Mongolia dinosaur stolen from this country, selling for 1.3 million dollars but was enjoined and negated with the skeleton awarded to Mongolia.  Craig put me on to this case and it is quite talked about here. Craig and Ellen would enjoy this place with all of Mongolia's geology on display.  I will pick up a guide book if an English version is available.  Then I have work  in the aftn.  And so it goes...


  1. Poppie,

    This is Grace. I do wish we could be there. It sounds like the museum is really cool. I wish I could go there with you. Though I know it's very far. Anyway, I'm having fun at school and at home. If I had more time to play, I'd probably dream about Mongolia and being with you at the museum.

    Love, Grace xoxoxo

    1. What a nice message from you Grace. I will have thoughts about you when I roam around the museum. Someday you will have the opportunity to travel to foreign lands and see marvelous things. The world is so divers and there are so many special places to visit. My hope is that you get to some of these during your college years and beyond. Love to you and your family....Poppy


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