Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Here you see the front entrance to the Natural History Museum which houses an impresive collection of geological objects including numerous dinosaurs, dinosdaur parts, and dinosaur eggs excavated from the Gobi desert.  They all lived in the late cretaceous period some 70 million years ago and are a marvel to behold.  The museum is neat and well ordered covering all birds, animals,  plants and gems from all ages.  There are also several dioramas which depict various catastrophic events in ancient times.  After this fun, I sat down and put together information from recent news articles on some of the cases.  This background info helps understand how and where these cases arose and how public opinion is being shaped about them. 

My next pic will be the Lenin statue that I was able to find.  I have an interesting story to tell that comes from my interpreter concerning the Soviet control of Mongolia and might give you some inderstanding as the dislike of Russia today.

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