Friday, September 7, 2012

Street Scene on Peace Avenue

This is a street scene along Peace Avenue which is the main artery of the city that runs west to east.  The better shops line up around this raod.  Another industrious day...I met two different young reporters, both of whom had been sued for libel.  One I was able to resolve without much difficulty, the other not so fast.  The more troubling case involved the reporter known as Bolormaa who did an earnest investigative piece on human trafficking in Mongolia (it is a serious problem here). The reporter took statements from five young women who named a member of parliament as one involved on the Mongolian end of the trafficking.  Unfortunately, after the article was written the women all retracted as to his involvment due to whatever and a case was brought accusing the reporter of criminal libel. A case was also brought for criminal human trafficking so I will be advising that her case be continued until the major case is decided.  She has written statements from the victims but they never met the Mongolian fellow, only heard of his involvment.  I will talk with her counsel on Monday.  I am thinking that we ought to dig into the finances and cell phone use of the MP and see what that reveals (this might not be permitted here).  Also, re-interview the women and see what caused them to change their position. Just another day on a different planet.

Tonight I am going to the AB&F Sports Bar and Steakhouse on the other side of town.  I have been invited by the teachers that I met earlier at the hamburger place.  They say it is the only known such place in the city and enjoys a good reputation.  We shall see.


  1. Wow! It seems like each day brings something new. Very interesting stuff.

    Julia is home today with her first illness of the school year. Think of her as you go about your day.

    Looking forward to news of your hike this weekend.

    1. I love your posts. Tell Juju that I will be thinking specially about her today. The hike is now iffy as rain is predicted for tonight and tomorrow with a temp drop to 33 F. The cold is OK but the rain is not. I will check in the AM tomorrow to see what goes. Am now out for groceries. Tell the girls that there is no peanut butter anywhere so that is out for sandwiches etc.

  2. can't wait to hear about the sports bar in mongolia :) good luck with the more challenging libel case for the reporter/human trafficking issue - hopefully this reporters investigation can help with the human trafficking (so hard to understand this!!!)
    thinking of you papi!!!

    1. Well the sports bar was not as promised. It is a hole-in-the wall place with some old hockey game on. I asked for golf and the play in Indy and they all wondered what planet I arrived from. The steak was Mongolisn beef and it is dry and tough. The fries were very good though. Michael sent Anne's pic to me and that was fun to receive. My legs are in great shape as I am constantly climbing stairs, here and at work. Like Africa, everyone walks here and that is refreshing if nothing else. I love your replies.


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