Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Iggle Has Landed

As I say above, and in the words of my granddaughters at an earlier age, I have landed and am in my new apartment just 500 yards from the offices of Global International.  I have had little sleep but am anxious to start the day with my first cup of Starbucks coffee.

The above pic was taken at Inchon/Seoul Airport which was my last layover before arrival here in UB.  These two cheery ladies were part of the Korean Cultural Center set up in the nave of the airport to greet passengers as they arrive.  This airport has been named the number one airport in the world by various travel magazines and for good reason-because it simply is.  This spot also has smoking lounges (verboten in the U.S. obviously) at each wing of the airport and these are completely filled with smokers of all sizes, ages and sex.  They all puff away awaiting their next non-smoking flight.  Smoking in these spots is the last refuge of those afflicted by this questionable habit.

I should mention that my flight from Chicago to Inchon was 13 hours and I was seated to a Korean fellow who was suffering from a severe cold and who coughed, wheezed and sneezed consistently for the entire time.  It did not make for a pleasant meal on board, I can tell you that much.  But here I am all ready to go after only a few hours sleep. I have a meeting at 3 pm with the editor of a national newspaper who was convicted last week of criminal libel for reporting a story on the Prime Minister as to some alleged secret activity concerning his poker habits. The point of the meeting is to ascertain whether she has any appellate defenses.  Apparently she refused to reveal her source for the story pursuant to their shield law but that meant she could not sustain her burden of proof as to the truth of the article.  Quelle domage!  So good opportunities ahead.  And so it goes...


  1. Happy landing and adventure to you! Michael and Laura called today to say they are going to David's happy. Bill is fine. So proud of you and know Mom and Dad are smiling from Heaven on your good works.God bless you. Love, Sis Kathleen

  2. Sorry we missed you last week. Glad to see you made it ok. Meant to send with you another MRE. Will be reading your blog. Stay safe and see you when you get back. Was at the Moose tonite and saw Billy with Malinda. No beer tonite.
    Richard and Pat

  3. Good to hear from my sister and Richard and Pat. I actually do not need an MRE this time since my apt. is located very near many good dining places and the office. I probably walk 5 miles a day overall and have avoided taxis. The office has taken me to various eateries with reasonable prices and I like Korean, Chinese and Japanese food so that helps. The walking helps work off the meal. The other American has shown me a Chicago hotdog place and it is pretty good. I look forward to seeing all upon my return.


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