Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Final Preparations-Mongolia

As I complete final preparations for my trip tomorrow (Oct. 8) to Ulan Bator, I want to take this time to thank my wife, Lynne, for her strong encouragement and support re my pro-bono trips to Mongolia (and earlier to Africa).  She has been a stalwart in this regard and handles all matters domestic with ease in my absence.

With her help, I am packed and ready to go.  My next blog will come at you from the capital of Mongolia, with maybe a pic from Seoul where I layover for a four hour flight to my final destination. I will be staying in a small apt. on the third floor of a bldg. just 500 yards from the office of Global International so much more convenient than last time  Oh, I should mention that the blog is set for Mongolia time which is 12 hours ahead of EST.  And so it goes...

1 comment:

  1. Dan,
    Thinking of you and praying all goes well. Am anxious to see your blog when you arrive there. All is fine here. Bill is doing fine .We have been with him both Mon and Tues night the 7th and 8th of Oct. It has been 70 degrees here.God bless you. Love, Sis Kathleen


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