Saturday, September 14, 2013

Depart for Mongolia on October 8

This pic was taken on my last evening in Mongolia at the end of September in 2012.  Naara who is in charge of the Global International office there is seated on my left. My going away dinner was at BJ's Mongolian Barbecue and the other persons are those I worked with while there.  I jsut had my date for departure set for October 8 and so I am in the process of preparing for the month of lectures, seminars, meetings with judges, members of Parliament and the Minister of Justice etc.  Our prinicipal aim will be to continue moving the country to eliminate criminal libel and hence the abilty to use the penal code as a means to chill free speech and free press.  Also, I will be training journalists, and radio and TV stations on the process of obtaining access to government agencies and their records (Mongolia recently passed a new access law).  As always I am optimistic that we can help make a difference.

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