Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mongolia Redux?

Here I am coming at you across the ether to relate that Mongolia is setting up another trip for me to continue my efforts regarding free press/free speech issues.  If this eventuates then I would travel there for the month of September.  In the meantime, I show you pics of two of our four gorgeous granddaughters.  This is Julia and Grace who hail from Macon, GA.  The fellow so ably helping is their dad and our son Craig who is a professor at Mercer University.  His family is on sabbatical at the moment.  They are seen here in November 2012 fishing Hilbert's Pond behind our home in Carmel.  I show these photos as the last taken of this pond.  Since these were shot in November the pond has been drained and all fish are gone.  Alas!

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