Thursday, October 24, 2013

Searching for Stalin

The above pic is a ger that is located just outside our office  and 100 feet from one of the larger squares in the middle of the city.  I am taking this shot from our third floor of the balcony looking west.  A family lives in there apparently throughout the year.  Notice the landscaping or lack thereof.  There is a very mangy looking dog that hovers around this spot and he is somewhere in this small rectangle of a yard.  Enough...

Now about Stalin, the most hated man in Mongolia because of his purges of  all Buddhists and intellectuals that could be rounded up circa 1934-1937.  I know that his statue was removed from the Sub. Square once the Soviets were thrown out though Lenin's statue near the Ulanbator Hotel remains. The rumor is that the statue has been removed to an obscure hotel lobby somewhere in this vast downtown area.  I hope to find it if it still exists and get a snapshot,  And so it goes...


  1. When you find it, we'll expect a picture.

  2. I will report on what I found in my next blog. Tell the girls that I still take ten steps backwards on the way to work and on my return. I do get some stares but as Bill says "Who cares."


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