Saturday, September 29, 2012


Another pic of last night as I prepare to leave in a few hours. Naara is to my left and her sister is next to her, also named Naara.   My flight time is around 20 hours but I will have two long layovers so it will be some time before I arrive.  I feel that I have had a successful trip so am pleased that Naara kept me busy and that her staff was able to set up a number of important conferences , seminars and lectures.  There is a climate for change in the air since the July elections were favorable to the Preident's party and he is known to want reform. 

I am told that many judges and politicians come from the previous era and that slows down opportunities understandably but on the whole progress seems in the offing.  Like all things political, there is a fear of potential change.  We who work in the area of free press and free speech are encouraged though,  by the attitude of the government and the newly constructed parliament.   And so it goes...

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to hearing from you soon dad. We are thinking of you this morning since Grace, Julia, and I made a special trip to Dunkin Donuts in your honor.


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