Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I arrived on time back here in Indy and after some needed sleep am at my office at Bingham Greenebaum Doll.  Above you will see a pic of my office this afternoon showing two of the gifts I received during my days there.  The clock came from Ms. Yumsuren who invited me to visit her ger and who presented me with this very nice gift.  Her daughters Burnee (one of the GI lawyers) and Tsetsegchimeg drove me out to the ger and their hospitality was special. 

The other gift came from Naara and is a framed commerative postage stamp from Mongolia.  As you can see from the mess on my desk, I return to some immediate work.  I will not forget the ongoing work in Mongolia as I will remain attentive to their needs there.  Until the next post...Dan

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